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Nuclear medicine
Nuclear medicine provides valuable functional information on morphological CT and MRT diagnostics. Diagnostikum Graz is the only private institute in southern Austria to offer image fusion of radiological and nuclear medical image documents.

Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of a thyroid nodule

If there is suspicion of a thyroid carcinoma, it can be beneficial to carry out a fine-needle aspiration biopsy of a non-enhancing nodule. Tissue is removed and examined under a microscope for possibly tumorous thyroid cells. It is advantageous to determine the current coagulation status before carrying out the aspiration biopsy.
Frequently asked question
During the fine-needle aspiration biopsy, you lie on your back. The aspiration biopsy is not any more painful than venous blood sampling and takes less than a minute. After an explanation, you sign a patient consent form. The tissue biopsy is carried out using a syringe with a max. 0.9-millimetre-thin needle, using sonographic testing. Afterwards, you must put pressure on the puncture site for ten minutes using a swab.
Patients with existing anticoagulation with Marcumar must stop taking their medication one week prior to the fine-needle aspiration biopsy and change to a low-molecular-weight heparin. If an acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. Thrombo ASS) is currently taken, it should not be taken on the day of the planned fine-needle aspiration biopsy.
The total duration of the fine-needle aspiration biopsy, including the explanation and signing the patient consent form, is around 15 minutes.
A small, localised haematoma sometimes but rarely forms at the puncture site, especially if insufficient pressure was put on the puncture site with the swab. A haematoma like this is not dangerous and disappears after a few days. Localised inflammation at the puncture site is extremely rare.